

The goal of my coaching is not to improve yourself.

Not because you’re done growing… but because ALL VERSIONS of you are whole, worthy and NEEDED!

They are all perfectly you, and un-improvable NOW.

Not some time in the future or when you’ve made this or that change.

My life coaching sessions will have you access your subconscious mind so you can gain the wisdom of those old thought patterns, feelings and behaviours and embody the wisdom now.

The reason my coaching is hugely effective with stubborn minds, is because you’ll no longer be rejecting the parts of you that got you here.

And ironically, that makes anything you want to change EASIER. And faster.

So far, it has gotten a world of results!


Whether you want to:

Be completely in charge of your emotional state – no matter your outside circumstances. 
Access the you that knows exactly what they need in any given moment.
Feel safe and in control in your relationships – not just with others but yourself.

Then I may be the coach for you.

I am NOT the coach for you if you:

Believe anyone else knows better than you – they don’t!
Don’t want to get playful and curious about your perspectives and how they serve you.
Don’t want to believe you can change anything you want to.

Through my work of coaching the subconscious mind, I have discovered that humans do not need to be ‘helped’, nor do they need ‘healing’.

They need to be seen and heard, so that they can access the part of them that has the answers.

I am not the coach that will give you all the answers…

I AM the coach that will hold space so you can uncover the wisdom that has always been inside of you.

When you do this, you’ll realise you don’t and never did need anything or anyone outside of you, you had the answers all along.

What to expect:

  • We will explore your magic…
  • The magic that happens when you go right to the heart of what most practitioners ignore: working WITH the subconscious mind…
  • The subconscious mind is the deeper, unseen, and mysterious part of you, that is responsible for pre-shaping your thoughts, beliefs, identity, preferences, and habits…

Before you’ve even had chance to “think” about it!

It lives in your body and nervous system, and it’s even encoded in your DNA.

The even cooler news is that your subconscious mind is code-able.

Meaning, it’s highly malleable and susceptible to change…

Which means you can experience change now.

And you are changing now.

In fact, your changing all the time.

You’re not the same person you are now as you were when you even woke up this morning!

It is trippy and what it can do is enormously powerful.

When you know how to skillfully interact with that part of yourself, it’s a bit like downloading the ‘cheat key’ to the human experience.

The version of you, you can already see in your imagination ISN’T 10 years away from now.

If it was, you wouldn’t be able to IMAGINE it.

There are just certain patterns of behaviours that have been unconscious (until NOW), that have been road blocking you.

When we see them, we can transmute them.

Imagine how you’re gonna feel when all those old road blocks are a thing of the past and you’re already becoming who you see yourself to be…

How good is that going to feel?

Actually STOP! and imagine right in the here and now, how good is it going to feel!?

What Other Clients Have Said…

You’re going to have some successful shifts from our very first session together.

Some people have a huge enough shift they like to have a 121 every now and then…

Others prefer to have weekly/bi-weekly/monthly coaching, depending on their budget and preference.

I like my clients to have the power to make informed decisions for themselves.

That’s why all my clients get to experience a session with me first, before we both decide on whether it would be a good fit for us and how much we would enjoy working together.

That way you’ll have a good idea of what to expect and make an educated decision in what would be best for you moving forward.

Sessions take place over zoom  for 35 minutes at £50

Experience a session with Danielle, Tarot Reader, Change Worker and Intuitive Life Coach. 

Danielle coaches the subconscious mind to facilitate rapid change through science based neuroplasticity tools that have helped her clients access their own inner wisdom and successfully banish:

  • Self doubt
  • Burnout
  • Panic attacks
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Addictions
  • Public speaking fears
  • Sleepless nights

And manifest:

  • Careers dreams are made of
  • Health
  • Happiness
  • Peace
  • Freedom


Certified Integrative Change Worker via the Ethical Coaching Collective.

Specialty Integrative Life Coach certification by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).

I may have credentials that allow me to pass on ALL the neuroplasticity tools (technically called memory reconsolidation)…

But my true credentials come from life.

In my earlier years I suffered from debilitating panic attacks, severe anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and chronic cystitis that had my husband caring for me in my 20’s and the doctors bewildered.

After suffering over 10 years of chronic pain, I went on a mission to heal myself naturally and once I did I had so much vigour, I knew I had to share it with the world.

That’s when I deciding to fly to Africa to get my 200hr Yoga teacher training certification and later went on to win a gold medal for my personal training skills in the Worldskills Fitness Trainer competition 2019.

You can find me listed on the IACT directory under ‘UK – Wales’.

I’m not your guru, but I am your biggest advocate.

Connect with your own inner guru, and confirm and inspire what your soul already knows. 

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